Friday, August 29, 2008

How to Play the Guitar

If you are hoping to be a guitar star all your own, then it's high time you start learning how to play it! If you need a little help, then here are five tips for learning how to play the guitar

1. Pick a guitar that's right for you. There are different types of guitars, each with its own special characteristic. For people who have a shorter arm reach, there are smaller guitars available. Plus, the string types may be nylon or wire, so choose which is most comfortable for you to get used to.

2. Study the basic chords. There are dozens of chords for guitars, and not everyone who plays can really memorize each one. Start out by familiarizing yourself with the finger holds and strums for the basic chords, such as C, D, E, G and A. Once you know them, proceeding to the major and minor chords will go along better.

3. Select an easy song to play. There are many songs that use most of the basic chords, with variations in tempo of your strumming. You can search online or read guitar song sheets to have an idea of which chords are played at specific parts of the song.

4. Listen to other guitar solos to get a feel of the strumming. A great way for you to be able to change chords faster and match your strumming is to listen to sound files of guitar solos, on your computer, CD players, or mp3 player. Whether you are holding your guitar or not, you can practice the rhythms and even memorize them, so playing the songs later on won't be a huge challenge. Even advanced guitar players have to listen to new songs that they want to learn how to play.

5. Always set a time from your day for practice. It may be cliche', but practice really does make perfect. At first, your fingers might get all blistery or numb from having to press down on the chords, but you will get used to it. Eventually, you'll be able to make quick chord changes without having to look at your hands while you play.

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